Can I use your middle school courses with younger students? Suppose you have a 3rd grader, a 5th grader with learning challenges, and a 7th grader who is ready to be more independent. Should you use two separate Notgrass History curriculum options? Or can you ... Elementary Middle School
How can I purchase an individual book or component? We offer curriculum packages and bundles to help you quickly order everything you need to complete one of our courses. If you only want to use some of the components, that's totally fine! You can choo... Ordering
Can I see samples of your curriculum online? You can download the complete table of contents and sample units from all of our curriculum. Elementary Our 50 States Our Star-Spangled Story Middle School America the Beautiful From Adam to Us Uncle ... Elementary High School Middle School Ordering
Do you have a statement of faith? We understand your desire to know about our perspective. You are wise to evaluate carefully the curriculum you use with your children. We believe in Jesus Christ as the Son of God and our Lord and Sav... Parent Support
What programs and seminars do you offer? Ray and Charlene Notgrass offer sessions on teaching history and on homeschooling more generally. Their son John Notgrass offers history presentations for the whole family. If you can get together a g... Other Parent Support
What changed in the second edition of America the Beautiful? Since its release in 2010, America the Beautiful has provided homeschooling families with engaging lessons, beautiful illustrations, and a variety of activities for different learning styles. The core... Middle School
Homeschool History Supplemental Resource Links Notgrass History curriculum is self-contained. You don't need to add anything else unless you want to. However, if you are looking for videos, virtual field trips, interactive websites, and other reso... Elementary High School Middle School
Course Description for Our Star-Spangled Story Course: U.S. History Text: Our Star-Spangled Story by Charlene Notgrass, Bethany Poore, and Mary Evelyn McCurdy Description: Our Star-Spangled Story guides students on a journey through U.S. history, ... Elementary
Why did you choose The Giver for Exploring America? The Giver is a beautiful story about the importance of knowing history and the dangers of letting "experts" decide how people should live and when they should die. Some parents are uncomfortable with ... High School
Are you going to develop more state history curricula? We do not have plans to develop additional state history courses. We retired our Exploring Tennessee and Exploring Georgia state history courses in 2016. Our Homeschool History site can help you find ... Middle School
Course Descriptions for Exploring Government Here are course titles and descriptions that you can use for assigning credit and preparing a transcript for your high school student. If your student completes the assignments as given in the curricu... High School
Course Descriptions for Exploring America Here are course titles and descriptions that you can use for assigning credit and preparing a transcript for your high school student. If your student completes the assignments as given in the curricu... High School