Do you have a statement of faith?

We understand your desire to know about our perspective. You are wise to evaluate carefully the curriculum you use with your children.

We believe in Jesus Christ as the Son of God and our Lord and Savior. We do not have a formal statement of faith, nor do we promote one particular creed or confession. A statement of faith generally leaves out something important or overemphasizes something else.

We believe in the inspiration and authority of the Bible. Our desire is to present the Bible in all of its truth, wisdom, and power. We have no denominational bias or agenda that lies behind what we present. We strive in all we do simply to be Christians. We are on a relentless quest to understand the truth that God has presented in His word and in His Creation. We encourage families to study the Bible together.

We believe that eternal truth does exist, but we do not claim to know it all. If you read a statement or thought that differs from what you believe, we humbly encourage you to study the Scriptures with us to determine the truth. If you believe that we have written something in error, please contact us so that we can learn together the truth that will set us free.

One customer wrote this about our high school courses:

"These units are pretty thoroughly biblical, without going into a particular philosophy. There will be small things brought up that you may find you differ with, and may need to clarify your own 'take' on, with your student, but overall the curriculum is very free of bias, in my opinion."

We generally quote from the New American Standard Bible (NASB) translation in our curriculum. It provides a good balance between giving a sense of the original languages and using modern English. For the activities and assignments in our curriculum, you are welcome to use the translation of your choice, whether that is the KJV, ESV, NIV, or something else.

If you choose to use Notgrass curriculum, we hope that it will be a blessing to your family as you teach the heart, soul, and mind. Please contact us with any additional questions.
