Here are course titles and descriptions that you can use for assigning credit and preparing a transcript for your high school student. If your student completes the assignments as given in the curriculum, she can earn one half-year (or semester) of credit each in Government and English.
Course: Government (or American Government)
Text: Exploring Government by Ray Notgrass
Description: The student will study Biblical teachings about government and leadership, definitions and historical examples of different forms of government, and the background to the American constitutional system. The course provides a thorough study of the U.S. Constitution and the workings of the federal government today. The student will also study state and local government, the revenue and budgeting process, international relations, specific issues that government faces today, and ways that the individual citizen can be involved in government. The student will read a significant number of original source documents and essays about government while studying the narrative of lessons. The student will also complete a project each week, either an essay or another creative project related to the study of government.
Course: English (American Biography and Composition)
Text: Exploring Government by Ray Notgrass
Description: The student will read two biographies and two autobiographies/memoirs of important American political figures. The student will read literary analysis of the books and discuss them in writing. The student will also complete a project each week, either an essay or another creative project related to the study of government.