Where can I get more local support? Homeschool associations like these reach out to new homeschoolers, host events, and provide year-round support for families. Many of them also monitor legislation that could affect homeschool freedom ... Parent Support
Do you have a statement of faith? We understand your desire to know about our perspective. You are wise to evaluate carefully the curriculum you use with your children. We believe in Jesus Christ as the Son of God and our Lord and Sav... Parent Support
What programs and seminars do you offer? Ray and Charlene Notgrass offer sessions on teaching history and on homeschooling more generally. Their son John Notgrass offers history presentations for the whole family. If you can get together a g... Other Parent Support
What field trips and historic sites do you recommend? Homeschool History Homeschool History is our web app that helps you find historic sites to visit plus books, videos, games, and other resources related to the lessons in our curriculum. Explore Supple... Elementary High School Middle School Other Parent Support
Will Notgrass be at my homeschool convention or curriculum fair? Homeschool conventions are a great way to recharge as a parent and to identify new resources to help you reach your goals. We greatly appreciate the staff and volunteers who plan and host these events... Other Parent Support
What is your refund/return policy? If you purchase directly from Notgrass History (notgrass.com): If your printed books are new and unused, and they are the current editions, you can return them any time for a full refund. After using ... Ordering Parent Support
Where can I read reviews of your curriculum? Notgrass History has tens of thousands of happy customers across the United States and around the world. New customers often come to us because of a referral from a friend. Ratings from Customers You ... Ordering Parent Support
What assigned and alternate literature goes with Exploring World History? Assigned Literature Here are the twelve books that we assign to go along with the lessons in Exploring World History. We have some notes about these titles in the Guide for Parents and Answer Key . Un... High School Parent Support
What assigned and alternate literature goes with Exploring America? Here are the twelve books that we assign to go along with the lessons in Exploring America : Units 2-3: The Scarlet Letter (Nathaniel Hawthorne) Units 6-7: Narrative of the Life of David Crockett (Dav... High School Parent Support
What are the differences between various editions of Notgrass curriculum? We update Notgrass History curriculum from time to time, including making minor revisions and releasing major new editions. If you purchase a used copy of a previous edition, it is still a great curri... Other Parent Support
What assigned and alternate literature goes with Our 50 States? Assigned Literature These are the seven books we assign to go along with the lessons in Our 50 States : Rabbit Hill by Robert Lawson (New England) The Cabin Faced West by Jean Fritz (Mid-Atlantic) Sof... Elementary Parent Support
What assigned and alternate literature goes with Exploring Government? Assigned Literature The Exploring Government curriculum assigns the following four books. Mornings on Horseback by David McCullough (Units 1-4) The Autobiography of Calvin Coolidge by Calvin Coolidge ... High School Parent Support