If you purchase directly from Notgrass History (notgrass.com):
If your printed books are new and unused, and they are the current editions, you can return them any time for a full refund.
After using the curriculum for up to 30 days, if you decide that it isn't what you need for your family, you may return it for a full refund. However, the curriculum must still be the current edition, and you must follow the directions below about how to make a return.
Please Note: Refunds are not available on digital products or clearance products.
If you purchase from one of our distributors:
You will need to contact the company you purchased from for information about their return policy. We cannot issue a refund on curriculum you purchased from another company or individual.
You can join the active Notgrass History Curriculum Buy / Sell group on Facebook to sell your curriculum directly to another family.
How to make a return:
If you are unsure of whether you qualify for a refund, please contact us to confirm eligibility.
If you ship Notgrass History curriculum back to us without prior authorization, we may determine that it is not eligible for a full refund. By shipping your Notgrass History books to us, you acknowledge that we may issue a full refund, issue a partial refund, issue store credit, or return your shipment to you.
When you make a return, you must include a copy of your original receipt or email confirmation from Notgrass History. Ship the books and documentation to this address:
Notgrass History
275 Old Gainesboro Hwy.
Cookeville, TN 38501
You are responsible for the cost of return shipping. Media Mail at the Post Office is likely your cheapest option.
When we receive your returned items, we will issue the appropriate refund. We will attempt to make the refund using your original payment method (credit card, PayPal, etc.), but if more than six months have passed since the original purchase, we may have to issue your refund by check. You should receive the refund within ten business days.