What assigned and alternate literature goes with Our 50 States?

Assigned Literature

These are the seven books we assign to go along with the lessons in Our 50 States:

  • Rabbit Hill by Robert Lawson (New England)
  • The Cabin Faced West by Jean Fritz (Mid-Atlantic)
  • Soft Rain by Cornelia Cornelissen (South)
  • The Story of George Washington Carver by Eva Moore (Midwest)
  • The Trumpet of the Swan by E.B. White (Rocky Mountains)
  • Philip of Texas by James Otis (Southwest)
  • The Adventures of Paddy the Beaver by Thornton Burgess (Pacific)

Alternate Literature

The link below lists additional literature titles your family might enjoy. Some are picture books, and some are chapter books. There are many other great books out there, but these are a few we wanted to share. We do not have detailed notes about these titles (such as potentially offensive words and topics) as we do for the titles we suggest in Our 50 States. We do not necessarily approve of all of the content in all of these books, but we offer them as suggestions because we believe they might be titles your family will enjoy.

You can find suggested books and other supplemental resources using our Homeschool History database.

Additional Literature Suggestions

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