What is the scope and sequence of Notgrass History curriculum? Students may study Notgrass History curricula in any order within the schooling levels indicated (elementary, middle school, and high school). Each course stands alone and is complete in itself. You c... Elementary High School Middle School Parent Support
What are the differences between From Adam to Us and Exploring World History? Our two world history curricula complement one another. As we were writing From Adam to Us , we kept in mind that many of the students using it would later use Exploring World History in high school. ... High School Middle School
How do I grade the writing assignments? Teaching writing skills can sometimes feel more like an art than a science. We know good writing when we read it, but trying to explain why we like it is like trying to explain why we like a particula... High School Parent Support
Does the order of the high school courses matter? Exploring World History , Exploring America , and Exploring World Geography are each one-year courses. Exploring Government and Exploring Economics are each half-year courses. Taken together these fou... High School Parent Support