What are the differences between From Adam to Us and Exploring World History?

Our two world history curricula complement one another. As we were writing From Adam to Us, we kept in mind that many of the students using it would later use Exploring World History in high school. Of course, there are similarities because they both cover world history. However, they are geared to two different audiences and have different themes and emphases.

One key difference between the two courses is that From Adam to Us maintains a whole-world focus throughout, while Exploring World History spends more time on the Middle East and Europe, with special units on Asia, Latin America, and Africa.

If you have a middle schooler who will be studying From Adam to Us and a high schooler who will be studying Exploring World History at the same time, you will find that they are learning many of the same topics near the same time. This will give you opportunities to do projects and activities, read books, have discussions, and take field trips that are relevant to both students.

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From Adam to Us has lessons, photographs and illustrations, activities, original source selections, literature, family activities, maps, and a timeline designed specifically for the student in grades five through eight. We chose the lesson topics to interest and engage middle school students, giving them a clear, comprehensive view of world history appropriate for their level.

Exploring World History is a more in-depth history designed specifically for high school students. The lesson text, photographs and illustrations, original source readings, literature, writing assignments, hands-on projects, review questions, quizzes and tests, and literary analysis were developed specifically with the high school student in mind. Exploring World History includes deep analysis of the themes, movements, and events of history as well as in-depth Bible studies designed to help the student learn to think with a Christian worldview about the topics he or she is studying.