Irving Berlin and "God Bless America" Ray Notgrass: On today’s Exploring History podcast, we’ll tell the story of an immigrant and his song that became an American classic. Titus Anderson: [music in background] Welcome to Exploring Histor... 20th Century Biography Culture Immigration / Immigrants Music
Can I use your middle school courses with younger students? Suppose you have a 3rd grader, a 5th grader with learning challenges, and a 7th grader who is ready to be more independent. Should you use two separate Notgrass History curriculum options? Or can you ... Elementary Middle School
The Great Stone Face Ray Notgrass: On today’s Exploring History podcast, we’ll look at a short story that teaches us about the transformative power of Jesus Christ. Titus Anderson: [music in background] Welcome to Explori... 19th Century Christianity / Christians Literature
In the Presence of Soldiers: The Tennessee Maneuvers During World War II Ray Notgrass: On today’s Exploring History podcast, we’ll discuss military activity within the United States that helped lead to victory in Europe in World War II. Titus Anderson: [music in background... 20th Century Daily Life WWII
Helping a Continent Be Strong and Free Ray Notgrass: On today’s Exploring History podcast, I'll talk about a time when the United States helped a continent be strong and free. Titus Anderson: [music in background] Welcome to Exploring Hist... 20th Century Cold War International Relations
"For Such a Time as This": The Story of Esther Ray Notgrass: On today’s Exploring History podcast, we’ll tell the true dramatic story of a time when God dealt a hand made up of a king, two queens, a knave, and an ace. Titus Anderson: [music in bac... Ancient History Biography Jewish Scriptures (Old Testament)
A Powerful Christian Legacy Ray Notgrass: On today’s Exploring History podcast, I’ll tell you about a remarkable person that Charlene and I knew that you probably never heard of, who left a profound Christian legacy. Titus Ander... 20th Century Christianity / Christians Civil Rights
Much More Than a Street Name: The Story of Rosa Parks Ray Notgrass: On today’s Exploring History podcast, we’ll look at the life of a simple, quiet, private citizen whose courageous act changed America. Titus Anderson: [music in background] Welcome to Ex... 20th Century Biography Christianity / Christians Civil Rights
Where can I find the literature recommended in your curriculum? We have chosen to recommend high-quality literature that is still in print--or we have published our own edition to make it easily available. We carry all of the titles, and you can order them individ... Elementary High School Middle School Parent Support
Where can I get more local support? Homeschool associations like these reach out to new homeschoolers, host events, and provide year-round support for families. Many of them also monitor legislation that could affect homeschool freedom ... Parent Support
How can Notgrass History help my support group or state organization? Thank you for providing a valuable service to the homeschool community by supporting parents and helping children get a great education! In addition to developing curriculum, Notgrass History offers e... Other
What programs and seminars do you offer? Ray and Charlene Notgrass offer sessions on teaching history and on homeschooling more generally. Their son John Notgrass offers history presentations for the whole family. If you can get together a g... Other Parent Support