I've Been Working on My Homeschool

I've Been Working on My Homeschool
Lyrics by Ray and Charlene Notgrass
Copyright © 2013 Notgrass History

I've been working on my homeschool,
All the night and day.
I've been working on my homeschool,
So my kids can get an A.

Can't you smell my breakfast burnin'
'Cause I'm gradin' so early in the morn?
Can't you hear my stomach churnin'
Can I get it done?

Johnny don't you know,
Johnny don't you know,
Johnny don't you know your A-B-C's?

Susie won't you do,
Susie won't you do,
Susie won't you do your math?

Somethin' in the laundry is stinky
But it's time to go to co-o-o-op
Little Bennie's lost his binky
In the van and off we go.

And I say fee-fi-fiddle-e-i-o
I forgot to charge my pho-o-o-ne.
Find my keys and then we'll go.

We've been working on our homeschool,
'Cause our kids we love.
We've been working on our homeschool
To serve the God we love.

Gladly we will shelter their hearts
So they grow up faithful, true, and strong,
We will teach them how to live well,
To do right and not do wrong.

God is on our side,
God is on our side,
God is on our side always.

We will serve the Lord,
We will serve the Lord,
We will serve the Lord always.

Mom and Dad will always be there for you,
This is something you can always know.
We will help you use your talents
So your light will always show.

And I say teach them while you're on your way,
When they go to bed and when they rise.
Keep Christ always as your goal,
Keep Him always as your guide.