Where can I read reviews of your curriculum? Notgrass History has tens of thousands of happy customers across the United States and around the world. New customers often come to us because of a referral from a friend. Ratings from Customers You ... Ordering Parent Support
What assigned and alternate literature goes with Exploring World History? Assigned Literature Here are the twelve books that we assign to go along with the lessons in Exploring World History. We have some notes about these titles in the Guide for Parents and Answer Key . Un... High School Parent Support
What assigned and alternate literature goes with Exploring America? Here are the twelve books that we assign to go along with the lessons in Exploring America : Units 2-3: The Scarlet Letter (Nathaniel Hawthorne) Units 6-7: Narrative of the Life of David Crockett (Dav... High School Parent Support
What assigned and alternate literature goes with From Adam to Us? Assigned Literature Here are the ten books we assign to go along with the lessons in From Adam to Us : The Golden Goblet by Eloise McGraw (Units 3-5) The Fables of Aesop by Joseph Jacobs, editor (Unit... Middle School Parent Support
What assigned and alternate literature goes with Uncle Sam and You? Assigned Literature These are the eight books we assign to go along with the lessons in Uncle Sam and You : Lincoln: A Photobiography by Russell Freedman (Units 5-6) A Letter to Mrs. Roosevelt by C. C... Middle School Parent Support
What assigned and alternate literature goes with Exploring World Geography? Assigned Literature The Exploring World Geography curriculum assigns the following twelve books. Part 1 Know Why You Believe by Paul Little (Units 1-2) Blood Brothers by Elias Chacour with David Hazar... High School Parent Support
What are the differences between various editions of Notgrass curriculum? We update Notgrass History curriculum from time to time, including making minor revisions and releasing major new editions. If you purchase a used copy of a previous edition, it is still a great curri... Other Parent Support
What assigned and alternate literature goes with Our Great Big World? Assigned Literature These are the seven books we assign to go along with the lessons in Our Great Big World : The Turtle of Oman by Naomi Shihab Nye (Middle East) Akimbo of Africa by Alexander McCall ... Elementary Parent Support
What assigned and alternate literature goes with Our Star-Spangled Story? Assigned Literature These are the ten books we assign to go along with the lessons in Our Star-Spangled Story : Benjamin West and His Cat Grimalkin by Marguerite Henry (Units 1-4) Toliver's Secret by ... Elementary Parent Support
What assigned and alternate literature goes with Our 50 States? Assigned Literature These are the seven books we assign to go along with the lessons in Our 50 States : Rabbit Hill by Robert Lawson (New England) The Cabin Faced West by Jean Fritz (Mid-Atlantic) Sof... Elementary Parent Support
What assigned and alternate literature goes with Exploring Economics? Assigned Literature The Exploring Economics curriculum assigns the following four books. Silas Marner byGeorge Eliot (Units 1-3) The Rise of Silas Lapham by William Dean Howells (Units 4-7) The Travel... High School Parent Support
What assigned and alternate literature goes with Exploring Government? Assigned Literature The Exploring Government curriculum assigns the following four books. Mornings on Horseback by David McCullough (Units 1-4) The Autobiography of Calvin Coolidge by Calvin Coolidge ... High School Parent Support