What assigned and alternate literature goes with Our Star-Spangled Story?

Assigned Literature

These are the ten books we assign to go along with the lessons in Our Star-Spangled Story:

  • Benjamin West and His Cat Grimalkin by Marguerite Henry (Units 1-4)
  • Toliver's Secret by Esther Wood Brady (Units 5-9)
  • Freedom Crossing by Margaret Goff Clark (Units 10-12)
  • Farmer Boy by Laura Ingalls Wilder (Units 13-15)
  • Mountain Born by Elizabeth Yates (Units 16-18)
  • Emily's Runaway Imagination by Beverly Cleary (Units 19-22)
  • The Year of Miss Agnes by Kirkpatrick Hill (Units 23-26)
  • Katy by Mary Evelyn Notgrass (Units 27-30)

Alternate Literature

If you have already read one or more of the books we recommend, or if your child is a voracious reader who wants more, here are some additional literature suggestions. Some of these books or authors have content that might make you or your child  uncomfortable (scary situations, unkind comments by one character toward another, etc.). Please be selective based on your own child’s needs and maturity level.

In addition to these suggestions, you can find many biographies written for children. These are a great way to find out more about people you meet in Our Star-Spangled Story. Even “picture books” that have an historical basis can offer excellent illustrations and be

enjoyed by all ages. You can find suggested books and other supplemental resources using our Homeschool History database.

Additional Literature Suggestions

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