Can I use your middle school courses with younger students? Suppose you have a 3rd grader, a 5th grader with learning challenges, and a 7th grader who is ready to be more independent. Should you use two separate Notgrass History curriculum options? Or can you ... Elementary Middle School
Where can I find the literature recommended in your curriculum? We have chosen to recommend high-quality literature that is still in print--or we have published our own edition to make it easily available. We carry all of the titles, and you can order them individ... Elementary High School Middle School Parent Support
What programs and seminars do you offer? Ray and Charlene Notgrass offer sessions on teaching history and on homeschooling more generally. Their son John Notgrass offers history presentations for the whole family. If you can get together a g... Other Parent Support
What changed in the second edition of America the Beautiful? Since its release in 2010, America the Beautiful has provided homeschooling families with engaging lessons, beautiful illustrations, and a variety of activities for different learning styles. The core... Middle School
Why did you choose The Giver for Exploring America? The Giver is a beautiful story about the importance of knowing history and the dangers of letting "experts" decide how people should live and when they should die. Some parents are uncomfortable with ... High School
Course Descriptions for Exploring World History Here are course titles and descriptions that you can use for assigning credit and preparing a transcript for your high school student. If your student completes the assignments as given in the curricu... High School
Course Descriptions for Exploring World Geography Here are course titles and descriptions that you can use for assigning credit and preparing a transcript for your high school student. If your student completes the assignments as given in the curricu... High School
Course Descriptions for Exploring America Here are course titles and descriptions that you can use for assigning credit and preparing a transcript for your high school student. If your student completes the assignments as given in the curricu... High School
What assigned and alternate literature goes with Exploring World History? Assigned Literature Here are the twelve books that we assign to go along with the lessons in Exploring World History. We have some notes about these titles in the Guide for Parents and Answer Key . Un... High School Parent Support
What assigned and alternate literature goes with Exploring America? Here are the twelve books that we assign to go along with the lessons in Exploring America : Units 2-3: The Scarlet Letter (Nathaniel Hawthorne) Units 6-7: Narrative of the Life of David Crockett (Dav... High School Parent Support
What assigned and alternate literature goes with From Adam to Us? Assigned Literature Here are the ten books we assign to go along with the lessons in From Adam to Us : The Golden Goblet by Eloise McGraw (Units 3-5) The Fables of Aesop by Joseph Jacobs, editor (Unit... Middle School Parent Support
What assigned and alternate literature goes with Uncle Sam and You? Assigned Literature These are the eight books we assign to go along with the lessons in Uncle Sam and You : Lincoln: A Photobiography by Russell Freedman (Units 5-6) A Letter to Mrs. Roosevelt by C. C... Middle School Parent Support