Does the order of the elementary courses matter? You do not have to do our courses in a particular order. Each course can be done during any year between first and fourth grade. Each course is designed so that you can complete it in one school year.... Elementary Parent Support
What programs and seminars do you offer? Ray and Charlene Notgrass offer sessions on teaching history and on homeschooling more generally. Their son John Notgrass offers history presentations for the whole family. If you can get together a g... Other Parent Support
Where can I read reviews of your curriculum? Notgrass History has tens of thousands of happy customers across the United States and around the world. New customers often come to us because of a referral from a friend. Ratings from Customers You ... Ordering Parent Support
Does your curriculum work for students with special needs? Notgrass History curriculum is designed to be flexible to work in a wide variety of situations. We give you a set of tools that you can adjust to meet the needs of each student in your family. We use ... Elementary High School Middle School Parent Support
What assigned and alternate literature goes with Exploring World History? Assigned Literature Here are the twelve books that we assign to go along with the lessons in Exploring World History. We have some notes about these titles in the Guide for Parents and Answer Key . Un... High School Parent Support
How do I know how to complete the curriculum on schedule? We design all Notgrass History courses with the instructions and assignments right in the lesson book. You don't have to go back and forth to a teacher's guide. Everything is ready for you to open the... Parent Support
What is the scope and sequence of Notgrass History curriculum? Students may study Notgrass History curricula in any order within the schooling levels indicated (elementary, middle school, and high school). Each course stands alone and is complete in itself. You c... Elementary High School Middle School Parent Support
How can I replace a lost Guide for Parents for my high school curriculum? Each of our high school courses features a short Guide for Parents that provides information about counting high school credits and more. If someone in your house has misplaced yours, you can download... High School Parent Support
How can I replace a lost answer key? Those pesky answer keys tend to run away and hide right before you need them! Don't worry. You're not the only one this happens to. Please download a digital copy of the answer key you need at no char... Elementary High School Middle School Parent Support
Can I drop the English or Bible component from your courses? If you already have an English curriculum for high school, you can easily drop the English component (literature and composition) from our high school courses. Your child does not have to read the lit... High School Parent Support
Does the order of the high school courses matter? Exploring World History , Exploring America , and Exploring World Geography are each one-year courses. Exploring Government and Exploring Economics are each half-year courses. Taken together these fou... High School Parent Support
What assigned and alternate literature goes with Our Great Big World? Assigned Literature These are the seven books we assign to go along with the lessons in Our Great Big World : The Turtle of Oman by Naomi Shihab Nye (Middle East) Akimbo of Africa by Alexander McCall ... Elementary Parent Support