How can I purchase an individual book or component? We offer curriculum packages and bundles to help you quickly order everything you need to complete one of our courses. If you only want to use some of the components, that's totally fine! You can choo... Ordering
Can I make copies of your consumable workbooks? Our company seeks to produce high quality educational materials. The sale of those materials allows us to pay our employees and suppliers and enables us to stay in business to serve more families. Not... Co-ops & Schools Ordering
What is your refund/return policy? If you purchase directly from Notgrass History ( If your printed books are new and unused, and they are the current editions, you can return them any time for a full refund. After using ... Ordering Parent Support
Do you have a Teacher's Edition or lesson plan? Our courses are designed to be easy for parents and students to use. An introduction at the front of the book explains how the material is laid out, and all assignments are included right in the text.... Ordering Parent Support
Arkansas Education Freedom Accounts The Arkansas funding program is called Education Freedom Accounts (EFA). Notgrass History is registered as a vendor. If you are approved to participate in the program, you can place orders for specifi... Ordering Parent Support