Where can I find the literature recommended in your curriculum? We have chosen to recommend high-quality literature that is still in print--or we have published our own edition to make it easily available. We carry all of the titles, and you can order them individ... Elementary High School Middle School Parent Support
How can I replace a lost Guide for Parents for my high school curriculum? Each of our high school courses features a short Guide for Parents that provides information about counting high school credits and more. If someone in your house has misplaced yours, you can download... High School Parent Support
How can I replace a lost answer key? Those pesky answer keys tend to run away and hide right before you need them! Don't worry. You're not the only one this happens to. Please download a digital copy of the answer key you need at no char... Elementary High School Middle School Parent Support
What assigned and alternate literature goes with Exploring Government? Assigned Literature The Exploring Government curriculum assigns the following four books. Mornings on Horseback by David McCullough (Units 1-4) The Autobiography of Calvin Coolidge by Calvin Coolidge ... High School Parent Support