Exploring Economics (2016)
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2016 Edition (Hardcover)
Unit 6, Lesson 27
- On page 161, in the caption above the photo of the ENIAC, we incorrectly identified the two women in the photo. Their names are Gloria Gordon (crouching) and Ester Gerston (standing).
Unit 7, Lesson 33
- We mixed up our descriptions of money market accounts, which are deposited at banks, and money market funds, which are mutual funds held through investment companies. Here is our updated description of money market funds on page 207:
Money market funds are mutual funds that invest in relatively safe and short-term securities such as U.S. Treasury bills. Money market funds usually earn more than bank savings accounts but less than funds that invest in stocks.
Unit 11, Lesson 55
- On the pie chart on page 344, two of the labels are switched. The large green section on the right should be labeled "Social Security - 23.9%". The blue section on the left should be labeled "Non-Defense - 15.8%".
Unit 12, Lesson 56
- In the paragraph giving a simple example of GDP, we mixed up the names we used. The corrected paragraph should read: "We can determine the GDP either by totaling all expenditures or by totaling all income. This is true because one person’s expenditure is another person’s income. Any exchange has two parties, the seller and the buyer. If Doug makes an object and sells it to Olivia for $100, then Olivia’s expenditure is $100 and Doug’s income is $100. This exchange has increased the GDP by $100."
Student Review
- On question #1 in Lesson 55, question #9 in Lesson 57, and question #2 in Lesson 60, we inadvertently printed the answer after the question. You can white out the answer.
Quiz and Exam Book
- The word banks in the Second Exam (page 26) and the Unit 11 Quiz (page 29) had multiple errors.
Answer Key
- The page reference for question #6 in Lesson 23 should be 130.
- The page reference for question #10 in Lesson 28 should be 163.
- The page reference for questions #9 and #10 in Lesson 37 should be 235.
- The page reference for question #2 in Lesson 46 should be 290.
- For question #5 in Lesson 57, the Conference Board was founded in 1916.
2009 Edition (Paperback)
The chart on page 129 is incorrect. You can download the corrected chart from the current edition here: Supply and Demand Equilibrium Chart
Additional Links
Notgrass History does not control the content accessed through these links, and a link to any site does not imply endorsement. Please use care and discretion while browsing the Internet, and let us know if any of these links are outdated or inappropriate.
Economics Information
Library of Economics and Liberty
U.S. Bureau of Labor and Statistics
Writing Links
Institute for Excellence in Writing
National Assessment of Educational Progress Writing Assessment