Exploring America (2019)

If you want to compare how we cover U.S. history in our elementary, middle school, and high school courses, check out this chart:

Comparison Chart of Notgrass U.S. History Courses

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Assignment Checklist

Grading Chart

Literary Analysis

Project Ideas

Guide for Parents / Answer Key (2019)

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Corrections (2019 Edition)

Bible Exam on Units 1-5

The questions on the first Bible Exam should be numbered from 1-25 instead of from 5-29. The answers in the answer key are correctly numbered. 

Unit 3, Lesson 15

In the answer key for the Student Review questions on The Scarlet Letter, the answers for questions #7 and #8 were combined, which threw off the numbering for subsequent answers.

Unit 6, Lesson 26

On page 137, we discussed George Washington adding the words "So help me God" to his first presidential oath. Further research shows that this story is not clearly substantiated by the evidence. Here is our revised text: "On April 30, 1789, Washington took the oath of office in New York City, the first capital of the new nation. A traditional story states that Washington added the words 'so help me God' after he finished the Constitutional oath. Many Presidents have added these words, but the evidence that Washington did so is not clear. However, the new President did lean over and kiss the Bible on which he had placed his hand during the oath. Following the ceremonies, he attended a religious service in honor of the event."

Unit 8, Lesson 36

The last full paragraph on page 192 stated that the "Missouri Territory" was divided. This should say the "Louisiana Territory". 

Unit 10, Lesson 47

Question #5 in the Student Review asked "What slaved plotted rebellions..." Since Denmark Vesey was free, not enslaved, when he led a rebellion, the question should be "What two persons planned rebellions by enslaved persons prior to 1831?"

Unit 13, Lesson 61

In the description of the Battle of Shiloh at the bottom left of page 340, we say that General Sherman led Union reinforcements to the battle. Sherman was already at the battle on April 6. General Don Carlos Buell led the reinforcements.

Question #8 in the Student Review was confusing because the text does not clearly state that Antietam was a Union victory, which is the answer given in the Answer Key. We have modified the question in more recent printings to ask "In which states did these battles take place?"

Unit 18, Lesson 88

On page 503, the text refers incorrectly to Hull House in Chicago as a "tenement house." The correct term is "settlement house."

Unit 18 Quiz

Question #3 should say "Democratic" instead of "Republican" presidential candidate.

Unit 20, Lesson 96

Page 554 incorrectly states that Woodrow Wilson earned a law degree from the University of Virginia. Wilson attended law school there, but he did not complete a degree.

Unit 26, Lesson 129

Page 760 incorrectly states that North Korea released both the crew of the USS Pueblo and the ship. The crew were released after 11 months on December 23, 1968, but North Korea kept the ship. (It was December 22 in the United States because of the time difference.)

Corrections (2014 Edition)

Unit 6 Quiz Answers

The page numbers for the first three answers in the Answer Key are incorrect. Here are the corrected answers and page numbers: 1. N (146-148); 2. H (142); 3. O (149-150)

Bible Assignment for Lesson 36

The Bible Assignment at the end of Lesson 36 was vague. Here is an updated assignment: The Bible study lesson this week looks at religious activity in America in the first half of the 1800s. One feature of this activity was the rise of several movements or groups that claimed to have a deeper insight into truth than what traditional Christianity offered. Read Colossians 2:16-23. List three things outside of Christ that people mistake for true spiritual fulfillment.

History Exam for Units 16-20

The answers for questions #6 and #7 should be switched. #6 should be Populism and #7 should be Progressivism.

Unit 24, Lesson 120

In the caption on page 708, we incorrectly identified the author of the Pledge of Allegiance as Edward Bellamy. The correct name is Francis Bellamy. Francis and Edward happened to be cousins.

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Purdue Online Writing Lab

Institute for Excellence in Writing

National Assessment of Educational Progress Writing Assessment

Unit 2 - Lesson 9

The Day of Doom

Unit 27 - Lesson 135

Early Feminists and Abortion

The Feminist Case Against Abortion

Suggestions for Co-ops and Other Group Classes

Co-op Tips

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